The Clipper Shack takes pride in providing innovative sharpening solutions to our valued clients.
Read our Testimonials from many of our customers who wanted something more than a grinder and a flathone. Taking their sharpening skills to the next level, they added our systems to their business giving them more sharpening flexibility.
This is a Testimonial. Hi Mike and Pam, I have been wanting to write to thank you for the great training I received on the EZ-Vex. I learned so much from your hands-on technique on all phases of sharpening on the EZ-Vex. I started my business as soon as I returned from your training. I was confident from day one. I was nervous but luckily I remembered all the steps to use to sharpen shears correctly on the EZ-Vex. I am also thankful for all your assistance you have been giving me on the telephone when I had questions about certain things that came up and needed help. I am on my way to building my business. I really enjoy sharpening and see customers happy with my results. I truly believe the EZ-Vex is the best machine out there. I had done alot of research before purchasing the EZ-Vex. It does everything you said it would do. I made the right decision by coming to your free workshop to learn how to operate the EZ-Vex. Thank you again for introducing me to the EZ-Vex and for your well run training program. You are very kind and enjoyed my visit with you. Wishing you the best, Paul D. Pro-Sharpening/ From Maine 207-420-5686
This is a Testimonial. Mike, it has been almost three weeks since I spent a day with you showing me how to properly use the EZ-VEX sharpening system. Since then, I have been using the EZ-VEX on all convex scissor I sharpen and have had no problems sharpening any of these scissors. As a matter of fact, I believe the EZ-Vex does a better job than the system I was using. I also believe the EZ-Vex is easier on the scissors and will make them last longer. I have found that by slowing the machine down I can start at the tip of the blade and that makes it even easier. Thank you for the machine and the help. I really believe this is the way scissor will be sharpened in the future. / (Jim from NC)
This is a Testimonial. Mike and Pam, Thank you for designing and inventing both your Nipper Sharpening System and your Ez-Vex Shear sharpening machine, your nippermachine is small and compact and it really does a nice job on cuticle and podiatry nippers. My nail tech customers in the salon love their nippers after I use your machine. Thank you for offering Free Hands on Training with Both your Nipper Sharpening System and your Ez-Vex Shear Sharpening Machine. No one gives FREE Training in todays world, but you do. The Clipper Shack has outstanding customer service, and Mike and Pam have been there for me when ever I have questions on eithe Nipper Sharpening or with Scissor sharpening, Thank you again - Juan Plaza - Orlando Fl, Cutting

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Testimonial. Mike & Pam,
Dawn and I would like to thank you for all of the support and assistance you have provided to us over the years. We truly believe that Shear Precision would not be as successful as it is today without the Ez-Vex Sharpening System and the great customer support that you provided. We purchased the Ez-Vex in September, 2010 at the NBTSG Convention in St Louis, MO. After sharpening professionally for a couple of years we went to the convention with the intent to purchase a new sharpening machine to expand our capabilities and improve our work on long, curved, convex shears. I was only interested in looking at flat hone systems and spent hours talking with system reps and watching them demonstrate their machines. One of our main concerns was that I am right handed and Dawn is left handed so we use our machines differently and we wanted to ensure that the system we chose could be easily used by both of us. I thought I had narrowed my decision down to one of two flat hone machines and was looking for Dawn so she could validate my choice. When I found her all she could talk about was this guy she had met named Mike and how we needed to go check out his new sharpening machine (it wasnt one of the flat hones I wanted her to see). Her excitement redirected my focus and I let her guide me to Mike and his display way in the back corner of the vendor room. What I saw amazed me,,, Rewind to a couple of years earlier when I was first learning to sharpen I remember thinking to myself how in the world could I put a convex edge on a pair of scissors using a wheel that has a convex shape on the outside? You cant grind two convex surfaces together and have them both come out convex. Would it be better to use the inside of a wheel, which is concave, in order to put a convex shape on something? Well, I thought about that for quite some time but it made my head hurt so I stopped thinking about it and just used the processes and techniques taught by the machines manufacturer. After all, they had been selling these machines for years and everyone had them, so their way had to work, right? Mike had built a machine that successfully used the concept I had thought about years earlier but just couldnt figure out how to do myself. I was skeptical but after watching Mike demonstrate the Ez-Vex a few times I was interested in learning more. I asked Dawn to give it a test run and she was very comfortable using it so I gave it a few tries. I walked away thinking that it was a cool gadget but still had my mind set on a flat hone. After all, they had been selling these machines for years and everyone had them, so their way had to work, right? For the rest of the weekend I kept finding myself going back to Mikes table and watching him explain things and demonstrate to other people. When we left the convention we walked out carrying an Ez-Vex Sharpening System and weve been using it as our primary sharpening machine ever since.
Dawn and I both certified on scissors, shears, & thinners with the NBTSG in 2012 using the Ez-Vex. Dawn went on to certify as a Master Sharpener with the NBTSG in 2013 using the Ez-Vex. Over the years we have provided feedback to Mike about the Ez- Vex and its performance, and he has made some unique adjustments to our system to make the Ez-Vex even easier and better for us to use. Mike is constantly trying new things and making improvements to the machinery and techniques. One of the things that make Mike and Pam different is that they share those improvements with their customers, whether they are their newest customer or the person who purchased their first machine. Mike and Pam stand behind their product and provide personalized customer service. Thank you both for being friendly, honest, and helpful people with integrity. We are proud to be Ez-Vex sharpeners/ Jesse & Dawn Hocket Decatur, Alabama
If you want FREE Training you must come to Ohio where its Offered Free with Purchase from the Clipper Shack, Only at our Ohio facility is where we offer it FREE
This is a Testimonial. Mike, I wanted to write to you more than a month ago. But I have been so busy ,the demand for a quality (shear) sharpening is in high demand here. I first talked to you Mike on the phone in December of 2010. I was not even thinking of sharpening shears & scissors as a business. I wanted to learn something about sharpening so that I could sharpen my wife's shears . But I decided after looking into all the types of different sharpening systems, and with myself having knowledge of metals & machinery as well as you explaining to me everything I needed to know about creating a high quality sharpening, I ordered the Ez-Vex. I received the Ez-Vex on Jan. 11th 2011 . I picked up my wife's shears (3-pairs) which no-longer cut because of previous bad sharpening from a local sharpener. I sharpened them on the Ez-Vex , ( She's still cutting hair with them today) . The Ez-Vex paid for itself and the trip out to see you and take that FREE Hands on Training, after only three weeks. After the confidence you get from doing a professional sharpening it's that easy to get out there and I'm still a greenhorn. The customer service and help I got from Your company is amazing. You helped me (Big) to become successful. It makes me feel good to know you. Thank You Rodney Brusuelas of All Sharp 505-401-6426 / New Mexico
If you want FREE Training you must come to Ohio where its Offered Free with Purchase from the Clipper Shack, Only at our Ohio facility is where we offer it FREE
This is a Testimonial. Mike and Pam, Looks like spring is trying to happen here in Washington.
The Ez-Vex is a dream to use. Just about one month until I retire, in the meantime Im going out prospecting on Saturdays for sharpening work . My son says its like being a stripper, you go into their place, do your dance, they applaud, then you collect the cash and your off to the next party. "LOL" I know enough not to take off my cloths of course, but my working on the Ez-Vex draws them like a cat to a wiggling finger. At one salon, I had three stylists standing around watching me work. - Bob Worley in Washington State
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